Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Am I Holy Enough? Part2

Greetings again readers,

From my previous blogpost, I presented two questions, “Am I holy enough?” and ‘Am I good enough?”. I would suggest if you haven't been following my blog, do read from the beginning to get a fuller picture of what we are addressing in this blog. It is my hope that it will benefit you to have pertinacious faith in Christ Jesus as you walk this face of this earth.

In this post, I hope to tie the dots between these two questions and by the end of this post, to encourage you that there is hope in this pursuit of being holy and good enough.

Human beings have this inexplicable need to feel ‘good enough’ about themselves. We literally worry if we are not acceptably good enough in the presence of a new acquaintance. We always wonder if we have done well enough upon a completion of an exam, assignment, or a project.

I believe that a human being is made up of his spirit, soul and body. Not until and unless he can make peace with all three, he will still worry if he’s good enough. This feeling is conceived together with each one of us when we came into this world. Many people know how to handle the things which they can feel with their five senses. The ability to improve oneself in their physical bodies and in the mid-deep levels of the human psyche such as the mind, will and emotion are often grasp considerably well by most in this intellectual age. However, I believe that not unless a human being is assured deeper past the soul realms - in one’s spirit - he will not be able to be at peace to have a deep knowing that he’s good enough.

This will also lead to this era of paranoia of people trying to find their identities and self worth from the things they do hoping that it’s good enough. I call this the outside-in life. What we really want to do is to live a genuine inside-out life don’t we?

Thus, the question of whether are we good enough, leads to the more accurate question of, “Are we holy enough?”

Let me just summarize the actual reason of why we have this feeling of not being good enough. In a nutshell, God created us very good. Man felt good enough and in right standing with God. Man sinned. Man gave up his right to be in right standing with God. From then on, man is born with this feeling of not being good enough to stand before this Holy God. Paranoia sets in. Man tries countless ways to feel at peace with himself and God again.

Wow! Enlightening huh?

Not really.

What’s the outcome?

Bad news. Many have tried to make peace with God and themselves but still felt eternal gripping guilt, shame and hopelessness at their deathbeds. Every culture that ever existed in the history of mankind has historical traces and proof of trying to be good enough to reach this supreme being whom we refer to as ‘God’.

There are typically two ways to reach this God. One is to try and be good enough. The other is to be made good enough. Either way substantiates the fact that we need to know we are good enough to be at peace with this supreme God.

It’s a choice that every human being will have to make in their lifetime. However, one choice is the solution. The other choice drowns you deeper into the problem. One is the outside-in life. The other, the inside-out life. Thankfully we have a choice. Hopefully, the choice is made correctly.

In the coming post, I'll talk about how to make and live with the right choice. Always remember, no matter what, Jesus loves you. Be blessed!

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