Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2011: Culmination & Definition

There are endless countless things that I could write in this post regarding 2011, whether what it meant to the world on a global scale or what it meant to me personally as in individual. Believe me, this is my third time attempting to actually finish writing this blog post! It has been extremely difficult to even begin to summarize 2011. However I write in good faith now that I think I’ve finally figured out how to write this post. (after being on this PC for 6 hours today) *laughs*

2011 has been a year of culmination & definition. A culmination of hope in the midst of anguish globally; natural disasters, political unrest, economy crashes and instability, basic value of human life revisited – hope finds its place. In natural disasters, we’ve seen time and again mankind putting aside their differences to dive into chaos to help nations in distress (the countless earthquakes, hurricanes, floods). In political unrest, we see global political dictator oppression subside and eradicated (the Jasmine Revolution of the Middle East overthrowing dictators in the quest of freedom and change). In economic crashes and instability, we see the ridiculousness of the money game being exposed thus putting more young minds to question the wisdom of actually giving themselves over to the game (the US credit crunch, Eurozone’s mass debt crisis, Iceland & Greece’s bankruptcy just to name a few). In the basic value of the human life, we’ve seen how the general public was enraged by reports and news of lives exploited or abused or died because of lack of justice or compassion (such as the videoclip of a child knocked down lying motionless on the street where countless people walked by).

The world is groaning. The earth is going through birth pangs. In as much as we fear that things would have flipped and swung into greater chaos, the Sovereign Almighty Lord is always in control and the beautiful choreographer of mankind’s greatest moments. I believe 2011, is the culmination of everything of mankind from the beginning of time till 2010 and a definition reference point of everything that is to come beyond 2011. Never have I felt, observed, and witnessed a magnitude of a seismic shift of mankind’s timing as like in 2011. The Lord had 2011 in mind even before the creation of time. He had something up His sleeve, and in 2011, He pulled it out! *grins*

Approximately 100 years ago, the outpouring manifestations of the Holy Spirit swoop across the globe in a shocking unprecedented unexpected way. Since then, the world and the Church was never the same again. Through men like William Seymor, people began to see that the Lord could use whoever and wherever. There was a glimmer of hope that God IS the global answer for all of the world’s problem and mess. As the gospel was preached accompanied by signs, wonders, miracles & healing; God truly was doing a mighty thing. Churches sprung up all over the earth. Missionaries increased at a rate never seen before. Cities, towns, villages experiencing God’s love and power went down in history books. This was believed to be considered the latter rain the Bible talked about. However, slowly but surely, it seemed that the clarion call for riches, wealth, name, fame, success, achievements became more important than God. Man’s desires left their creator and landed on created things instead. However, back then in 1909 or so, it was declared that 100years from then, a coming of the rain of the Lord that has never been seen would come. The coming of both the latter and former rain beckons. It will take the world by storm in such a way where no eye has seen, no ear has heard.

Fast-forward 100 years, you have 2009. The year where for me, the world was in a state of indefinite-definitions. The lines between right and wrong, cold or hot, love or hate, important or unimportant were in a state of blur. The 100year promise of the Lord seemed to tarry; it didn’t seem to fit. Life went on. Toward the end of 2009, the Lord revealed to several of His prophets that there would be another 2 years of waiting for the coming of the combined latter & former rain. I knew then the remaining of 2009 and 2010 were ultimately crucial for the world and for me as in individual.

I zoned in and contended further preparing myself to brace for 2011 and beyond.

What I didn’t know was that this last phase of contending for the ushering in of a new season would hit me like a brick wall and shatter me good.

Part of 2010; part of 2011 would be times where I found myself in my most exasperated, breathless, wounded, vulnerable, empty state. Kneeling down in anguished surrender and looking up in utter disbelief were all too familiar poses during those times. Yet it is only when you are completely broken that you see things as they really are. The Lord God my vindicator, my banner, my redeemer, my restorer, my healer, my deliverer, my provider, my comfort, my peace, SHOWED UP! When you are down to nothing, He sure is up to something!! 

Nothing + God = Everything you need (quotes Patricia King)

What has been happening with the rekindling of fire in me individually since March 2011 and the outpouring of the Lord in my local church since April 2011 is nothing less than a culmination of everything that I’ve been contending for since I heard God’s call at age 10 and walked into that call in 2001; definition of everything else that is to come in my life and through my life beyond 2011. I believe, things are never the same again and there can only be greater things that lie ahead.

I remember back in 1994 when I was 10, I heard the call of the Lord and for some reason I knew that 17 and 27 will be important yardsticks or checkpoints in my life. And that these points would click with the global outlook and the state of the Church worldwide. True enough, at 17 I answered the call of the Lord that before my 18th birthday, I would have burnt my bridges and walked into my calling. The Lord asked for the next 10 years of my life and He asked only for one thing – "Would you stand and never pullout no matter what?". I said "Yes".

Before I hit my 27th birthday (Dec2011) I had every possible logical reason to NOT stand and to pullout from the Lord’s call upon my life. I’m glad that my His grace, strength and perfect love, I stood ground. I stood ground not knowing what exactly to hope for or to expect. With so much disorientation of the mind, will and emotion, I thought I’ve lost my heart and passion in the process. Yet in all His mercies and grace, I found my heart more founded than ever in Him. I went into a time of reviewing His faithfulness to me and my experiences of Him since my pre-school times.

All the times where I’ve seen heaven, angels, visions and dreams; heard His audible voice, sounds of heaven, and that never leaving still small voice in my heart; times experiencing His tangible presence of being drunk in the Spirit, holy laughter, slain under the anointing, shaking, heat and electric sensations; translated from place to place, trances, out of body experiences; all came back hitting my conscience wave after wave. At a point, I asked Him, ”Lord, why all these old stuff? Why are you showing me this now?”. He just assured me saying, “Son, that’s My love for you and that has never changed. It was never taken away from you and it will never ever be taken away from you. These things you’ve had with Me in times past, are all just a foretaste of what’s to come. It’s coming soon…very soon”.

Little did I know, that He was up to something. Something genius. Something that only by His absolute knowledge & greatness being above the limitations of time & space could have choreographed this wonderful synchronization – where His global destined timeframe for the world, for His Church worldwide, and for this unknown individual named Jason Wong En Seng; aligning them into one and the same culmination & definition – HIS KINGDOM COME!!!

The appointed time has come. The kairos season where this individual would rise to move
in his calls & gifting according to the apportioned grace by Christ to corporately steer the Church to bring Kingdom invasion to the world has begun!!

From March 2011, there were numerous heavenly visitations and encounters, visions&dreams, impartation of anointing, timely fellowship with fellow ministers, expansion of faith, favor & providence, signs&wonders, healing&miracles and many more that happened in my life and through my life. All of which would be too numerous to write them all in this one blogpost.

I encourage whoever reading this post that God HAS a great beautiful plan for your life. And even if you feel like you've missed opportunities or messed up your life, God can redeem you lost time&opportunities and recycle the mess into something wonderful. As much as I'm amazed at how the Lord has been watching over me and choreographing everything to it's bit detail of synchronizing my individual timing into His global timing, I'm absolutely positive that He can do the same with yours. Look to Christ the beginner and finisher of your faith.

Be blessed`~

I sign-off with this,

2012: The end of the World, The beginning of His Kingdom