After looking at all the impossibilities of attaining right standing and holiness in our own accord, the good news is that there is a solution. There is a way. There is hope. And hope everlasting. This hope and solution is found in one person and one person only - The Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the embodiment of everything that we were supposed to be and the solution to the right we have given up. He has come to save us from ourselves – from our sinful selves. And to reinstate us back to our rightful position of being in right standing with Him – righteous AND holy. This is called the bond of grace, or freedom. Freedom from the law. Freedom from eternal judgement. Freedom from this guilt gut feeling that we are not good enough and will never be good enough. With Him and through Him, we are MADE right and good enough, holy enough. Living this life of freedom; free from bond is not attainable with our own human efforts. It is a promise given to us by God. This Promise is embodied in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
When we have Him in our lives, we are free from this guilt feeling. Being free towards something gives the understanding that one does something because he is already in that position of freedom to do something. This is doing something FROM something. Very unlike the self-effort way of doing something for something.
So how exactly do we live our lives holy from this holiness through Christ?
God has given us His Holy Spirit as His promise. When we have Christ in us, we are given the Holy Spirit to be with us and in us at all times. This enables us to be led by Him in our daily lives. He is not limited by space nor time nor distance. We simply need to allow Him to lead us in everything that we do in our daily routines. When we live life as such, the evidence of a life led by the Holy Spirit can be quite spectacular. We will then see ourselves able to live FROM love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control and not FOR these. Mark this down carefully, these are the fruits of the Holy Spirit, NOT fruits of us trying to be holy.
In conclusion, we need to always be Holy Spirit led through faith upon Jesus Christ then we will be living our holy lives from our inherited position of authentic holiness through Christ and not for a counterfeit self-achieved ‘holiness’.
So back to the title question, ‘Am I holy enough?’
By my own human efforts through the promise of the law, no I’m not holy enough and will never be holy enough no matter how hard I try.
By acknowledging that Jesus the one who fulfilled all the law, the one who has made me in right standing, and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead me in my life, yes I am holy enough!
Yes, with Christ, you ARE already made right and holy enough. Don’t let the accuser tell you otherwise. Your life of victory is here today. Time to raise the banner of victory and shout, “The Lord is my banner”.
So again, am I holy enough?
Oh yeahh, you betcha~!